Plugin Tag: filter
Gallery Image Captions (GIC)
(1 total ratings)Gallery Image Captions (GIC) allows you to customise WordPress gallery image captions.
Utánvét Ellenőr
(3 total ratings)Connect your WooCommerce site to our SaaS available at Register to obtain API keys.
Admin Author Filter
(3 total ratings)Plugin for WordPress that allows you to filter posts in the admin dashboard by author
Custom Profile Filters for BuddyPress
(3 total ratings)Allows users to take control of the way that the links in their Buddypress profiles are handled.
WPML Widget Filter
(2 total ratings)WPML Widget Filter lets you control on which languages widgets or sidebars appear when using WPML Translation plugin.
Filter users in automations by database query – AcyMailing
(0 total ratings)Filter users in automations by database query
Admin Menus Accessibility – Quickly Search Admin Menus
(6 total ratings)Admin Menus Accessibility is a WordPress plugin which adds extra accessibility feature into admin menu.
Archives by Category and Date
(2 total ratings)This plugin shows archives in a categorized way that is archives are categorized under category name and date.
Filter Featured Image
(0 total ratings)Filter Featured Image can help you filter you post with or without featured image.
Taxonomy Chain Menu
(0 total ratings)Taxonomy Chain Menu – allows to create taxonomies terms chain menus using dropdowns with inbuilt or custom types of WordPress taxonomies.
The Best Price Filter for Woocommerce
(5 total ratings)Woocommerce implements price filter that cannot search product variation individually! This plugin implements better solution to search products throu …
Widget Output Filters
(3 total ratings)A library which enables developers to filter the output of any WordPress widget.
PWF – Products Filter for WooCommerce
(4 total ratings)Filter WooCommerce products and WordPress post types. Filter by any criteria including categories, tags, taxonomies, price, and custom fields.
No-captcha Spam Block
(3 total ratings)Dramatically reduce comment spam on your blog without using a captcha.
(0 total ratings)This plugin includes the unitpngfix.js javascript file if the browser is IE6 or lower. In plain words, it implements the solution for the PNG traspare …
Link Images to None
(2 total ratings)Automatically Link images to none in selecting and uploading images in Wordpress !